Moments are a very brief period of time or an exact point in time. There is significance in a moment that can have huge impact on your life. The day you met the love of your life, witnessed the birth of your children, spent time with good friends, you name it! The moments of your journey are ones you don’t want to forget but collect them and etch them as memories forever.
Must Love Travel Planners seek vacations that will give you opportunity to experience once in a lifetime moments. As a result of many of our clients sending us testimonials and pictures of their special moments, we have established this awesome hashtag — #MustLoveTravelMoments to capture and collect of those moments.. We believe as the famous Italian poet, Cesare Pavese once said, “ We do not remember days, but we remember moments”. The first time you stand on the soft sand watching the sunset with your new spouse on your honeymoon or capture the joy of your children as you explore the world, these are moments that need to be shared and remembered.
Here is a moment from one of our family vacations to Dollywood in TN! We had a great time!
Great ways to capture #MustLoveTravelMoments include anything from quick snaps on your phone, professional pictures from the photographer onboard a ship, travel journals that you write, draw in and sharing them with friends and family on social media. Sharing your moments can be inspiring to others. We would love to see your moments on our brand new Must Love Travel Group. It is a public group to share and be inspired!
Here is the link: